Remedy by Lonsdale Street Roasters
Remedy is a coffee outlet on the busy and scenic Kingston Foreshore on Lake Burley Griffin, just a few minutes drive south of the CBD. It is run by the Lonsdale Street Roasters, a popular Canberra coffee maker who grind their own coffee on Braddon's hip Lonsdale Street. They have two busy cafes on Lonsdale Street -
Lonsdale Street Eatery and
Lonsdale Street Roasters 7 , as well as branching out to open Remedy coffee outlets in
Belconnen and the
Kingston Foreshore.
This little outlet is hidden off the main walkway, however it worth tracking it down for a latte in their outdoor seating area, or grab a takeaway and go for a walk along the foreshore. With friendly staff, simple industrial décor and a wealth of coffee knowledge behind them, Remedy is an easy coffee choice when down by lake enjoying the views.
This popular coffee outlet also sells food items such as their signature Melbourne Fold Overs (savoury Lebanese wraps heated up in a sandwich press) as well as toasties, croissants, muffins, cakes and a range of toasts to enjoy with your coffee. As this small venue doesn't have a kitchen, the food preparation area is quite limited, however a comforting fruit toast or toastie is often all you need with a cup of their creamy, hot coffee blend. On our visit we enjoyed a toasted Ham and Cheese Croissant and a Chicken Melbourne Fold Over - inspired by a similar idea seen in Melbourne. With four choices available, the flavour combinations are particularly tasty with a delicious mayonnaise that holds it all together.
The Kingston Foreshore has a large number of restaurants, bars and cafes to enjoy along the strip, with multi-million dollar apartments being built around it. The
Kingston Foreshore is also a popular area for kayakers, dog walkers and cyclists to enjoy the scenery and stop for a coffee along the way. For people who enjoy a longer walk, it is also part of the
Lake Burley Griffin Circuit - Eastern Loop , a 9km cycle loop around the eastern end of Lake Burley Griffin through the
Jerrabomberra Wetlands . Whilst out walking or riding, Remedy is an ideal spot to stop for a casual coffee and bite to eat, with bike racks provided out the front.
In recent weeks (at the time of writing), due to the Winter chill and wind coming off the water, Remedy has installed glass windows around their outside area to keep their patrons warmer in the shady area out the front of the outlet. Unfortunately, due to its location under high rise apartments, Remedy doesn't get much winter sun throughout the day anymore - as it did so beautifully in the Summer months. Another option is to ask for takeaway and walk a few metres to the foreshore benches and enjoy your toastie and coffee in the sun.
Although many visit the Kingston Foreshore to catch up with friends at the many cafés, restaurants and bars, there are also a variety of options if you just want a takeaway coffee or light meal whilst out for a walk. This part of the lake is a favourite for many, including myself, as it can be included in a scenic walk around Lake Burley Griffin and surrounds. Where better to stop for a coffee than Remedy, with its own unique Lonsdale Street creamy coffee and industrially cool simplicity. Other casual options along the Kingston Foreshore include
Paleo Perfection Expresso Bar ,
38 Expresso ,
The Merchant and
7th & Bake Patisserie Café .
On a cold winter's day, sometimes a hot coffee is the only way to warm up - from the inside. Remedy is definitely the cure for my coffee cravings - why don't you give it a try this weekend?
187113 - 2023-06-16 02:57:02