10 Reasons to Drink More Water

10 Reasons to Drink More Water


Posted 2013-09-05 by Justine Crowleyfollow

Many of us know (guilty as charged) that we should be drinking more pure water, whether bottled or from the tap. There are ample benefits in doing so. Your quality of life improves, and this gives you more leisure time. If your leisure and lifestyle time, in other words some time out, and some much needed me and/or family and friends time was not important to you, you would not have stumbled across WeekendNotes in the first place. Trusting that you might be inspired to drink some more water on the back of this. After all, our bodies comprise of about 80% water.

To a degree, many of us are close to drinking the required two litres of water on a daily basis through coffee, tea and soft drinks to name. The ultimate benefits from drinking water stand from drinking only water, the clear stuff alone.

1. More energy

Water has cleansing properties, and hence drinking more water will allow you to enjoy even more top leisure and lifestyle experiences and activities here on WeekendNotes, and on sister site OpenCity . It all makes sense as our brain mainly comprises of water, and hence water enables you to feel more alert. It also helps you get through an intense walking tour and/or for a fun day out, and especially in warmer weather.

2. Helps people lose weight

Due to the flushing out and elimination of toxins in the body, you'll need to go to you know where a little more often. The benefits of losing weight are tremendous. More energy comes as a by product of this, and once again any event or festival you choose to attend from reading a WeekendNotes article will be way more enjoyable for you with a healthier body all round. This is why many people feel great after a yoga or Zumba class, as you're naturally inclined to drink more water to re-hydrate yourself afterwards.

3. Great detoxing

There is no need to engage in some expensive detox treatments, unless you really want to. Drinking glasses of water infused with a lemon wedge is absolutely fantastic. You're definitely flushing out those toxins. I tell every guest of mine who comes on my Sydney City Chocolate Walking Tour to bring a bottle of water with them. While we all sit down and enjoy ourselves at the hot chocolate pit stop, we all enjoy sharing multiple jugs of water together. The creaminess of the cocoa in the hot chocolates is not as intense as a result either. As a habit, if I accidentally go to McDonald's (oh, deadlines, thank you), not only do I order the healthiest option on the menu, I always ask for a medium iced water to drink, and that way I am flushing the toxins out as quickly as possible. Do this, despite having a water bottle in your bag.

4. Improves your skin

One of the best anti-ageing remedies. When you drink at least 2-3 litres of water a day, your skin feels soft and silky smooth, and usually complexion free. Your skin glows, and for some, their wrinkles start to dissolve naturally. That way, your self confidence will raise, and thereby you'll be more inspired to go out and socialise, and enjoy one or more of the activities you might have read about here on WeekendNotes.

5. Helps with your digestion

Absolutely. It is easier to digest food with water. With drinking more water, many people naturally eat out at quality restaurants, and just enjoy eating more quality food in general.

6. Boosts your immune system

Isn't it frustrating when you're not well? Absolutely, it is. Those extra days in bed spent recovering could be spent earning more income to enjoy many of the activities promoted on WeekendNotes and OpenCity in enjoying a quality of life, and hence the possibility of ticking off more things on your 'bucket' list. Life is meant to be enjoyed after all, and it is so wonderful when you can enjoy life. That way you won't need to reschedule and/or leave any of your booked activities early when optimum health, energy and vitality is enjoyed. Many of us have water to thank for alleviating tiredness, and for restoring illness to wellness.

7. Helps ease headaches and dizziness

All of us could have a minor headache from time to time. Headaches usually occur on the back of dehydration. Water is the ultimate problem solver here. Some of us get headaches from talking way too much. Having ample water at hand on the chocolate walking tours I run (for me) is an absolute godsend. It helps me get through the challenges and the enjoyment on the back of this, and it will do the same for you when out and about when having fun. Water is my default drink of choice for all the right reasons.

8. Muscle therapy

Water keeps those joints lubricated, which is great when out and about shopping, on a walking tour, and when on your feet while enjoying any one of the activities you would have read about here on WeekendNotes. Ample water also assists after an intense gym or marathon workout, to assist in healing your muscles from stiffness after such intense sporting workouts.

9. A great mood lifter

You would have to agree that a great quality of life enables one to feel good. Surely, one or more of the articles you have read here on WeekendNotes has enabled you to enjoy your leisure time more effectively, than if you were to wing it. The same would go for any of the tours and activities booked on OpenCity. These activities (once you participate in them) are designed for you to have fun, and to lift your mood. To get through such activities in keeping yourself hydrated, regardless of the outdoor temperature at the time, having a decent bottle of water to drink from is absolutely mandatory. Water is there as necessary fuel to allow your body to function at its best, and when your body is functioning at its best, it is a given, you will be a happy person with a positive attitude, and the type of person that people will want to hang around with. It all gels together. It's happiness on tap. Love it.

10. The best things in life come for free

Sure, tap water usually comes for free despite paying the water bill at the home. Even if you feel like ice has been sold to the eskimos with the bottled variety, the latter is still way better than drinking a bottle of another product filled with sugar, colours and flavours that comprise of chemicals, of which destroy neutral hydrogen and oxygen levels in your body. Although not free entirely, bottled water is still cheaper than lattes too.

Water is also fun to play with, and on a further note, without water we would not enjoy the swimming pools and the beaches. We would not even enjoy a relaxing bath in the home either. Nor would we enjoy going on ferries and cruises to name. Love water, love life indeed. Love and gratitude for water.

89242 - 2023-06-11 08:05:14


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