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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Raw Thirst - Juice Bar & Smoothies
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I love Raw Thirst! So far I've tried their Morning Glory, Alkalizer Smoothie, & the Cleanser Juice. All so yum! And I love that it's all fruit. I had one the other day with a burger from Veggie Velo (have you tried them yet??), so good.

I'm loving being able to go to the city during the day, two more weeks of that till I'm back at TAFE. :)

(Which reminds me, I'm on holidays during the next two weeks, and if you're free we should catch up for that tea and Teawana!)
by Natasha Stewart (score: 4|10437) 3910 days ago
by Kirsty Dummin Smith (score: 1), 3910 days ago
Yeah the alkalizer is awesome. I haven't tried Vego Velo yet but I'm keen to!

Yes, let me know when you're around and we'll grab that tea. I'm juts sipping on a Cherry Ripe Tea as I type :)