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Home > Melbourne > Comments > Ranga's Bakery @ Bayview Rd McCrae
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After this incredible description of such a wonderful bakery/ cafe, we drove down to the peninsula to try out the place last Wednesday, February 20th. Disappointment plus! We ended up seeking out another nearby venue, as we were hungry after having driven from Melbourne. The McCrae Pavillion chosen at random, proved to be exceptionally good and a favourite with locals.
by chris (score: 0|8) 3760 days ago
by Michelle Coates (score: 2), 3759 days ago
I can't understand why and am interested in what time you went. The McCrae Pavillion is an upmarket day/ late evening restaurant so it is not even possible to compare a bakery with such a venue. Not sure if I would drive over an hour and a half for a bakery so happy you found something to your required level of sophistication.