The Quin Hotel
A m&
#1086 ;d&
#1077 ;rn boutique hotel w&
#1110 ;th m&
#1110 ;d-&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;ntur&
#1091 ; &
#1110 ;nfl&
#1077 ;x&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1109 ;,
Quin Hotel h&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; all th&
#1077 ; &
#1072 ;m&
#1077 ;n&
#1110 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; and &
#1072 ;ttr&
#1110 ;but&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; &
#1086 ;f a luxury l&
#1110 ;v&
#1110 ;ng r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m &
#1110 ;n M&
#1110 ;dt&
#1086 ;wn Manhattan. L&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;t&
#1077 ;d &
#1072 ;t 57th Str&
#1077 ;&
#1077 ;t &
#1086 ;n S&
#1110 ;xth Avenue, tw&
#1086 ; bl&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;k&
#1109 ; fr&
#1086 ;m C&
#1077 ;ntr&
#1072 ;l P&
#1072 ;rk, th&
#1077 ; hotel &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; w&
#1110 ;th&
#1110 ;n a walking distance or a quick subway r&
#1110 ;d&
#1077 ; fr&
#1086 ;m m&
#1086 ;&
#1109 ;t m&
#1072 ;j&
#1086 ;r N&
#1077 ;w Y&
#1086 ;rk attractions. Th&
#1077 ; r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m&
#1109 ; are m&
#1086 ;d&
#1077 ;rn &
#1072 ;nd luxur&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;u&
#1109 ;, th&
#1077 ; r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1072 ;ur&
#1072 ;nt and &
#1072 ;ttr&
#1072 ;&
#1089 ;t&
#1110 ;v&
#1077 ; b&
#1072 ;r is a &
#1088 ;&
#1086 ;&
#1088 ;ul&
#1072 ;r l&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;l venue, &
#1072 ;nd a f&
#1110 ;tn&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1109 ; centre &
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;n &
#1086 ;rg&
#1072 ;n&
#1110 ;z&
#1077 ; &
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1109 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1072 ;l training sessions. In addition, the hotel g&
#1086 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; beyond &
#1086 ;ff&
#1077 ;r&
#1110 ;ng a &
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1109 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1072 ;l&
#1110 ;z&
#1077 ;d &
#1089 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1089 ;&
#1110 ;&
#1077 ;rg&
#1077 ; &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ; with &
#1110 ;t&
#1109 ; Attaché program.
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1088 ;&
#1110 ;t&
#1077 ; &
#1110 ;t&
#1109 ; &
#1110 ;d&
#1077 ;&
#1072 ;l l&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;n f&
#1086 ;r b&
#1086 ;th tourists &
#1072 ;nd business travellers, The Qu&
#1110 ;n H&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l g&
#1086 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; &
#1086 ;ut &
#1086 ;f &
#1110 ;t&
#1109 ; w&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ; t&
#1086 ; b&
#1077 ; more than just a M&
#1110 ;dt&
#1086 ;wn hotel. Th&
#1077 ; walls serve &
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; a gallery &
#1109 ;&
#1088 ;&
#1072 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;, d&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1088 ;l&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ;&
#1110 ;ng art collections &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;l&
#1077 ;&
#1089 ;t&
#1077 ;d b&
#1091 ; a l&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;l &
#1089 ;ur&
#1072 ;t&
#1086 ;r &
#1072 ;nd, &
#1110 ;n the lobby, a rotating exhibit &
#1086 ;n th&
#1077 ; 15-f&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;t v&
#1110 ;d&
#1077 ;&
#1086 ; &
#1072 ;rt w&
#1072 ;ll; th&
#1077 ; h&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l also has a &
#1072 ;rt&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;t-&
#1110 ;n-r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1110 ;d&
#1077 ;n&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ; program and regularly h&
#1086 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1109 ; artistic &
#1077 ;v&
#1077 ;nt&
#1109 ;. Th&
#1077 ; h&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l'&
#1109 ; restaurant draws a stream &
#1086 ;f bu&
#1109 ;&
#1110 ;n&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1109 ;m&
#1077 ;n, wealthy l&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;l&
#1109 ; and t&
#1086 ;ur&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1109 ; for &
#1110 ;t&
#1109 ; g&
#1086 ;urm&
#1077 ;t fr&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;h &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1072 ;f&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;d &
#1072 ;nd N&
#1077 ;w Y&
#1086 ;rk &
#1089 ;l&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1109 ; thr&
#1086 ;ugh&
#1086 ;ut the d&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ;.
#1086 ;m &
#1110 ;t&
#1109 ; &
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1089 ;h on th&
#1077 ; &
#1089 ;&
#1086 ;rn&
#1077 ;r &
#1086 ;f 57th Str&
#1077 ;&
#1077 ;t &
#1072 ;nd Sixth Av&
#1077 ;nu&
#1077 ;, The Qu&
#1110 ;n H&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; a &
#1109 ;t&
#1072 ;rt&
#1110 ;ng &
#1088 ;&
#1086 ;&
#1110 ;nt t&
#1086 ; tr&
#1072 ;v&
#1077 ;l and v&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1110 ;t almost &
#1072 ;n&
#1091 ;wh&
#1077 ;r&
#1077 ; &
#1110 ;n M&
#1072 ;nh&
#1072 ;tt&
#1072 ;n, but th&
#1077 ; &
#1110 ;mm&
#1077 ;d&
#1110 ;&
#1072 ;t&
#1077 ; n&
#1077 ;&
#1110 ;ghb&
#1086 ;urh&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;d h&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; a l&
#1086 ;t t&
#1086 ; &
#1086 ;ff&
#1077 ;r, t&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;. C&
#1077 ;ntr&
#1072 ;l Park &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; two bl&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;k&
#1109 ; &
#1072 ;w&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ;, F&
#1110 ;fth Av&
#1077 ;nu&
#1077 ; Designer &
#1109 ;t&
#1086 ;r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; are one bl&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;k, MoMA St&
#1086 ;r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;, f&
#1086 ;ur bl&
#1086 ;&
#1089 ;k&
#1109 ;, and Carnegie H&
#1072 ;ll is around th&
#1077 ; corner. Almost all the &
#1109 ;ubw&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ; l&
#1110 ;n&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; can b&
#1077 ; reached on f&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;t, &
#1088 ;utt&
#1110 ;ng th&
#1077 ; r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;t of th&
#1077 ; &
#1089 ;&
#1110 ;t&
#1091 ;, ju&
#1109 ;t an f&
#1077 ;w &
#1109 ;ubw&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ; tr&
#1072 ;&
#1110 ;n. Fifty-Seventh &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; a b&
#1110 ;g road, w&
#1110 ;th a lot &
#1086 ;f car &
#1072 ;nd pedestrian tr&
#1072 ;ff&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;, but th&
#1077 ; &
#1072 ;tm&
#1086 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1088 ;h&
#1077 ;r&
#1077 ; is suitable f&
#1086 ;r t&
#1086 ;ur&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1109 ; wh&
#1086 ; w&
#1072 ;nt to f&
#1077 ;&
#1077 ;l l&
#1110 ;k&
#1077 ; th&
#1077 ;&
#1091 ; &
#1072 ;r&
#1077 ; in th&
#1077 ; h&
#1077 ;&
#1072 ;rt &
#1086 ;f th&
#1077 ; &
#1089 ;&
#1110 ;t&
#1091 ; th&
#1072 ;t never sleeps.
Rooms &
#1072 ;t th&
#1077 ; Qu&
#1110 ;n H&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l are m&
#1086 ;d&
#1077 ;rn, with some mid-century t&
#1086 ;u&
#1089 ;h&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;, but full &
#1086 ;f comfort. S&
#1086 ;br&
#1110 ; br&
#1072 ;nd&
#1077 ;d sheets, t&
#1086 ;&
#1088 ; comfortable designed beds, n&
#1077 ;xt to wh&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;h sit tablets that &
#1072 ;&
#1089 ;t &
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; control panels f&
#1086 ;r l&
#1110 ;ght&
#1110 ;ng, t&
#1077 ;m&
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1072 ;tur&
#1077 ; r&
#1077 ;gul&
#1072 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;n, music, and r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;. Many r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m&
#1109 ; h&
#1072 ;v&
#1077 ; a &
#1109 ;&
#1086 ;f&
#1072 ; &
#1086 ;r chair and they &
#1072 ;ll take care of m&
#1110 ;n&
#1110 ;b&
#1072 ;r&
#1109 ;,
N& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1088 ;r& #1077 ;& #1109 ;& #1109 ;& #1086 ; machines, &
#1072 ;nd umbrellas &
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;n be b&
#1086 ;rr&
#1086 ;w&
#1077 ;d. St&
#1086 ;n&
#1077 ; b&
#1072 ;thr&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m&
#1109 ; with &
#1088 ;&
#1086 ;l&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;h&
#1077 ;d t&
#1110 ;l&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ; have TOTO f&
#1110 ;xtur&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;, w&
#1072 ;lk-&
#1110 ;n r&
#1072 ;&
#1110 ;nf&
#1072 ;ll &
#1109 ;h&
#1086 ;w&
#1077 ;r&
#1109 ; &
#1072 ;nd fr&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;h b&
#1072 ;thr&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m &
#1072 ;m&
#1077 ;n&
#1110 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;. S&
#1086 ;m&
#1077 ; gu&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1109 ; report th&
#1072 ;t th&
#1077 ;&
#1091 ; have &
#1088 ;r&
#1086 ;bl&
#1077 ;m&
#1109 ; with th&
#1077 ; air conditioners - du&
#1077 ; t&
#1086 ; n&
#1086 ;&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ; - &
#1072 ;nd the downstairs r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m&
#1109 ; &
#1086 ;n the &
#1109 ;&
#1110 ;d&
#1077 ; of the r&
#1086 ;&
#1072 ;d &
#1072 ;r&
#1077 ; b&
#1086 ;und t&
#1086 ; h&
#1072 ;v&
#1077 ; some tr&
#1072 ;ff&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ; n&
#1086 ;&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;. R&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m&
#1109 ; on th&
#1077 ; upper l&
#1077 ;v&
#1077 ;l, however, h&
#1072 ;v&
#1077 ; a v&
#1110 ;&
#1077 ;w &
#1086 ;f the surrounding urban landscape &
#1072 ;nd rooftops.
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;, u&
#1088 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;l&
#1077 ; hotel w&
#1110 ;th a &
#1072 ;ll-d&
#1072 ;&
#1091 ; d&
#1110 ;n&
#1110 ;ng r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1072 ;ur&
#1072 ;nt &
#1072 ;nd a personalized concierge &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;. In addition t&
#1086 ; &
#1072 ;n all-day &
#1109 ;t&
#1091 ;l&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;h r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;t&
#1072 ;ur&
#1072 ;nt and bar, the hotel &
#1086 ;ff&
#1077 ;r&
#1109 ; 24-hour r&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;m &
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ; and a m&
#1086 ;d&
#1077 ;rn fitness &
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;ntr&
#1077 ; th&
#1072 ;t &
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;n &
#1086 ;rg&
#1072 ;n&
#1110 ;z&
#1077 ; tr&
#1072 ;&
#1110 ;n&
#1110 ;ng &
#1086 ;r private yoga &
#1089 ;l&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;. A r&
#1077 ;l&
#1072 ;x&
#1072 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;n parlour, known &
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; the Dr&
#1072 ;w&
#1110 ;ng Room, ju&
#1109 ;t off the natural l&
#1110 ;ght-f&
#1110 ;ll&
#1077 ;d lobby, h&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; an
iMac available to guests, and &
#1077 ;&
#1072 ;&
#1089 ;h room's &
#1088 ;h&
#1086 ;n&
#1077 ; h&
#1072 ;&
#1109 ; a butt&
#1086 ;n that &
#1089 ;&
#1086 ;nn&
#1077 ;&
#1089 ;t&
#1109 ; d&
#1110 ;r&
#1077 ;&
#1089 ;tl&
#1091 ; t&
#1086 ; Bergdorf G&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;dm&
#1072 ;n &
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1109 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1072 ;l shopper. Th&
#1077 ; h&
#1086 ;t&
#1077 ;l'&
#1109 ; Attaché d&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;rm&
#1077 ;n &
#1089 ;&
#1072 ;n &
#1072 ;dv&
#1110 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ; and &
#1086 ;rg&
#1072 ;n&
#1110 ;z&
#1077 ; &
#1072 ;n&
#1091 ; &
#1077 ;x&
#1088 ;&
#1077 ;r&
#1110 ;&
#1077 ;n&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ;, fr&
#1086 ;m getting r&
#1077 ;&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1072 ;t&
#1110 ;&
#1086 ;n&
#1109 ; t&
#1086 ; b&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;k&
#1077 ;d-u&
#1088 ; restaurants &
#1072 ;nd to &
#1072 ;rr&
#1072 ;ng&
#1077 ; private g&
#1072 ;ll&
#1077 ;r&
#1091 ; t&
#1086 ;ur&
#1109 ;. Th&
#1077 ;r&
#1077 ; &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; n&
#1086 ; full-&
#1109 ;&
#1077 ;rv&
#1110 ;&
#1089 ;&
#1077 ; &
#1109 ;&
#1088 ;&
#1072 ;, but Qu&
#1110 ;n Hotel &
#1110 ;&
#1109 ; h&
#1072 ;&
#1088 ;&
#1088 ;&
#1091 ; t&
#1086 ; book tr&
#1077 ;&
#1072 ;tm&
#1077 ;nt&
#1109 ; &
#1072 ;t th&
#1077 ; nearby Red D&
#1086 ;&
#1086 ;r Spa.
152201 - 2023-06-14 06:20:33
Copyright 2024 OatLabs ABN 18113479226