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Wow! what an awesome park that would've been. As a kid I begged with mum to take me, but since she didn't drive I never got to experience the great fun at the park. The stories I've heard from friends sums it up to awesome. I can still remember the advertisement on tv. Being school holidays now, I would take my daughter there and it'd give her exercise, laughter and help build confidence. Plus she'd have to put her electronic device away. It's a terrible thing that our kids today can't enjoy what we had. Why can't it be applied to enter park at your own risk? If you don't agree, you don't go in. I dunno, but I can tell you that 'fun' in Adelaide comes at a small fortune these days and there's time limits also, meaning you wish to spend a day, you pay more. Money, money, money that is all companies want from us now. If you want to see your child have fun pay the big bucks or miss out. It's so wrong. Every child should have the right to experience great fun like Puzzle Park or Monash and families shouldn't have to go broke todo it. Great article Dave thanks for sharing.
by charl (score: 0|6) 3630 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3630 days ago
Thanks charl, I reckon it would be a winner if still open today - just look how popular the St Kilda adventure park is!

It's a great pity it closed.