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We recently had a rare black-out in our suburb that lasted 3 hours. After an hour, we heard these weird noises outside. We investigated. It was the noise of children playing in the street. Riding bikes. Kicking balls. All the 'old fashioned stuff' that made Puzzle Park such a fantastic place.

The power was out - so no TV's and the Batteries went flat on the rechargeable hand helds. Was beautiful to see so many kids interacting. Meeting. Keeping fit. Sucking up some sun. Wouldn't it be nice to see a way to regenerate Puzzle Park and bring back the 'good old days'?

((posted by an Ancient 43 year old))
by Bill Marles (score: 0|5) 3701 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 3701 days ago
Haha very true Bill, it's a rarity to encounter playing like that now.