Pulitzer Remix

Pulitzer Remix


Posted 2013-01-08 by Bastion Harrisonfollow

Mon 01 Apr 2013 - Tue 30 Apr 2013

As a poet, I like to experiment in writing different forms of poetry. There are hundreds of different types, from the classical fourteen line Shakespearean sonnet to the lesser known breeds such as the villanelle. One poetry form I cam across a while ago is found poetry. To write a found poem you take extracts from pre-existing material; this can be anything from a leaflet, a set of instructions, a newspaper article, a novel, or even another poem. From this material you create an entirely new poem, which could be related, or completely different to the theme of the original work. Found poetry is quite a good way to get started on a poem if you are suffering from writers' block, as it gives you a starting point. Obviously, to avoid plagiarism, you need to cite the works you used.

I've tried experimenting in this form a few times, and even came across an online publication called The Found Poetry Review that specifically publishes found poetry, and provides starter packs for people who sign up.

Just yesterday, I received an invitation from them to join in their . It is a National Poetry Month project taking place in April, in which eighty-four writers will be assigned pulitzer prize winning books dating from 1918 up to 2011, and from those texts will write thirty found poems. Each writer will then post one poem a day in April to create a collection of found poetry.

I've signed up, and will find out which book I've got in two weeks time. You do get to put your first three preferences when you sign up, but looking at the list, they've already been taken. If you want to join in , it is a great way to build a portfolio for a potential chapbook, will get you reading prize-winning fiction, and possibly get published, following the project's review of your work.

!date 01/04/2013 -- 30/04/2013
90646 - 2023-06-11 08:25:23


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