Prohibition at Gluttony: The Speakeasy - Review
Sun 19 Feb 2017 - Sun 19 Mar 2017
Motley and Mac present '
Prohibition ', running as part of Adelaide Fringe Festival at Gluttony: The Speakeasy with various sessions at 4:10pm and 9:45pm from February 17th until March 19th. It's a variety show set in the 1930s featuring comedy and circus acts from around the Fringe with a host and detective holding it together.
Step back into The 1930's Speakeasy Bar. It's the American Prohibition era, when alcohol was banned, but cocaine was legal. The show features circus performers, cabaret singers and magicians, so it's the perfect show if you want a taste of fringe variety.
The show is hosted by Patty the Plank (Patrick McCullagh). He welcomes guests to a Chicago bar where illegal activity is happening. He needs to keep this under wraps from the detective who keeps snooping around. The first act was acrobat Caz Walsh from
'Pants Down Circus' , who piled chairs up to the roof and then did a handstand on top. It was amazing.
Following him was Sam the Swallower from '
League of Sideshow Superstars '. He does a sword swallowing trick, which is pretty incredible on its own, but that's not all. He tells us he is the only person to be able to swallow a sword and back flip, and he proceeds to show the audience.
He is also known for his fire swallowing trick, but because he was inside a tent he performed it with an electric LED light stick. It was amazing. He performed a spinning ball trick where he throws it up, and catches it on his cheek. It has to be seen to be believed. This crystal ball glides over his body without falling off, it's beautiful.
The magician of the show performed a trick that wowed the audience when he picked a member to volunteer and broke a glass bottle. He puts a shard of the broken glass under a paper bag and puts three other paper bags on the table. The then asks the audience member to mix them up and holds his hand over number bag number 3. He slams his hand down finding the shard wasn't under bag number 3 and continues this until there are only 2 bags left. This trick could end in tragedy if it goes wrong and was incredible to watch.
Dado from
'Doorway Cabaret' performed next. He let an audience member shoot a dart at a balloon between his legs, after he shows him how. He is more than a balloon artist, he is a comical star. He dances around the stage and does a trick with a bug and the trapeze that the crowd enjoyed.
Detective Dirk Darrow from '
2 Ruby Knockers, 1 Jaded Dick' observes the stage and keeps a lookout for rule breakers. Remembering its the 1930s and alcohol is illegal he searches the audience members for evidence. The performers are subtle with the use of alcohol during the show while Detective Dirk is watching.
Overall this is a great show if you're not sure what to see at the Fringe, however the 80 minute length of the performance was too long when you're sitting in a tent on a wooden bench. 4/5 Stars. Don't miss your chance to see Prohibition at this year's Adelaide Fringe.
Feb 19th at 4:10pm (Preview)
Feb 24th-25th at 9:45pm
March 3rd-4th, 10th-12th, 17th-18th at 9:45pm
Feb 19th, 22nd-23rd, 26th at 9:45pm
March 1st-2nd, 5th, 8th-9th, 13th, 15th-16th 19th at 9:45pm
Feb 21st, 28th, March 7th, 14th at 9:45pm (Cheap Tuesday)
Feb 25th-26th, March 11th-12th, 18th-19th at 4:10pm
Full Price: $33.00 to $38.00
Cheap Tuesday: $28.00
Concession: $30.00 to $33.00
BankSA Customer: $27.00 to $33.00
Fringe Member: $27.00 to $33.00
Group 6 : $30.00 to $33.00
Preview: $15.00 to $28.00
Tickets are available
here .
!date 19/02/2017 -- 19/03/2017
137279 - 2023-06-13 13:27:50