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Violet Danvers Profile

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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 573
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Readers: 1311
Articles: 11
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My WeekendNotes - 11
Adelaide may be low on your radar for Australian Summer spots, but Adelaide is alive with activity. Whether you are look... [more]
Whether you want a jam-packed journey, a tranquil getaway, or a simple summer vacation, Australia has you covered. With ... [more]
An incredible area on every wine lover's bucket list, there really is no place like the stunning Hunter Valley. The opul... [more]
Barossa Wines are famous throughout the world for their delicious taste, so why not travel to the birthing place? With a... [more]
Interested in a tropical paradise for your next holiday? Look no further, as Australia's Gold Coast is bursting with sun... [more]
Barossa Wines are famous throughout the world for their unique taste, so why not travel to the birthing place? I filled ... [more]
When you think of Australian beaches, what comes to mind? Is it the snow-white sand and crystal-clear turquoise water of... [more]
As an everyday city dweller, there is nothing better than a weekend escape away from the hustle and bustle to the wide-o... [more]
Whether you're looking for a spot with an element of adventure, peace and quiet, or a simply sightseeing journey, Fraser... [more]
Pack your bathers and shorts as Darwin is the tropical paradise for your next summer holiday! What you first need to ... [more]
When somebody asks what's the best place to visit in Australia during the summer, there are sure to be a chorus of answe... [more]