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Thomas Sylva Profile

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City: Everywhere

I am a human of planet earth in possession of a nationality complex and a burning necessity to always be on the move.

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Writer Rank: 2
principal writer
Readers: 2349
Articles: 31
Rank Calculation:
2349 =
[2349] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 11
While visiting Dunedin you will probably be told that you should visit the Otago Peninsula which extends into the Pacifi... [more]
I grew up in the city of Winchester in the South of England, and until I left to go travelling and returned, I never app... [more]
Just to the South of Taupo is the Tongariro National Park, or "National Park" for short. Here there are a plethora of di... [more]
The Mueller Hut Hike is a popular 5.2-kilometre one-way hike in the Mt Cook area. It begins in the White Horse Hill car ... [more]
In the South of Winchester, next to the Itchen river, is a rather cute little chalk bump called St Catherine's Hill over... [more]
Coming from a town where it feels like coffee drives the entire economy, I often find it difficult to find coffee of a c... [more]
In Moray Place, in the heart of Dunedin and just a stone's throw away from The Octagon is a small cafe called "The Dog W... [more]
Te Mata Peak is a sleeping giant, just to the South of Napier, or so the Māori legend goes. Trying to prove his lov... [more]
Sometimes we need to spend some time in nature; to reconnect with the world around us and remind ourselves what it is to... [more]
On the southern border of the city of Eisenach in Thuringia is an attraction called the Drachenschlucht, or Dragon's Can... [more]
Being a New Zealander and also an ex-barista, locating good coffee which has been sourced, roasted and prepared to perfe... [more]