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City: Adelaide
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Writer Rank: 12
veteran writer
Readers: 128711
Subscribers: 124
Articles: 225
Comments: 111
Rank Calculation:
132254 =
[128699] +
[5 x 685] +
[10 x 13]
Awards - 132
I've been drawn to the idea of exploring historic Port Adelaide for some time and so, in keeping with the current COVID-... [more]
If you are a fan of train travel and enjoy a bit of comfort, this just might be your thing. Especially if, like me, you ... [more]
Planning a trip to Goolwa? There's activities aplenty. I've compiled a list of just twenty to get you started. 1. PS ... [more]
Have you seen the window display on The Strand at Port Elliot? It's been amusing me for years now. There's always... [more]
A new era of sophistication is developing in Bali as iconic Beach Bars, such as Old Mans, make way for stylish clubs. Wh... [more]
In the absence of a yacht and Queenslander yachting friends, we recently booked a cruise on the Lady Brisbane. It was an... [more]
The Riesling Trail stretches 33km between Auburn and Clare. It's another former railway line sadly closed. I lament the ... [more]
In a previous life, I spent many a night sleeping in a swag under starry skies in remote parts of Australia. I loved it ... [more]
I have felt seriously daunted during 2020 by travel restrictions. As the year draws to a close, however, I have to admit... [more]
Perched on a hill overlooking the picturesque countryside of Hindmarsh Valley is a brand new restaurant worth driving ou... [more]
If there's one thing better than an op shop, it's a whole trail of them. I can happily while away most of a day fossicki... [more]
If someone had told me I'd be spending the evening of a rather signifi