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City: Gold Coast

Critique is an art form that requires a light touch, with a splash of irony and good humour to soften the blows. Make the case, and your opinions will be supported.

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Writer Rank: 3
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My WeekendNotes - 91
Blues on Broadbeach started in May 2002 and is one of Australia's largest free music festivals. Showcasing authentic blu... [more]
18/05/2023 - 21/05/2023
Making new friends when you're over 50 can be a daunting task, especially when our circumstances change or we move to a ... [more]
The Scenic Rim region of SE Qld has been officially recognised by travel gurus Lonely Planet as one of the TOP 10 destin... [more]
25/06/2022 - 03/07/2022
The crisp and crunchy deliciousness of tempura vegetables is hard to beat. There is something so innately satisfying abo... [more]
Thousands of disappointed Blues fans wept when this highly anticipated annual event was cancelled due to social distanci... [more]
Opening night ticket sales for this superb Elton John biopic ROCKETMAN will go to the Friends of the Art Gift Fund which... [more]
Tweed Coast choir, the Voice Weavers, are giving locals a preview of the program they'll soon be taking to the Hobart Fe... [more]
FREE Christmas Variety Concert where you can sing along to your favourite Christmas Carols and other popular tunes. All... [more]
Australian Chinese Buddhist Research Centre (Gold Coast branch) invites everyone to join them at this cultural event. ... [more]
Does our culture in Australia deny death? How do we talk about it? What does it mean to live well, then die well? To ex... [more]
Passersby are intrigued by the eye-catching display of seasoned fish fillets hanging in the Drying Room of the Fish Lab.... [more]
Santa Claus is coming to Capri On Via Roma this Saturday! Buon Natale! Be there at10am to see Santa arrive by... [more]
The Gold Coast Potters Association Inc exists to promote pottery as a traditional craft and art form through teaching, d... [more]
Two monster days of FREE jazz-filled magnificence, with multiple staging platforms in and around the Oasis Shopping Cent... [more]
20/08/2016 - 21/08/2016
The new 2016 Active & Healthy Program guide is here to encourage you to engage in healthy activity. Proudly sponsored a... [more]
Do something special and come together on National Tree Day to help re-plant trees that were once prolific in the region... [more]
For one night only, local artists Angela Fletcher and Kim Raath present their latest joint pop-up exhibition entitled 'F... [more]
The food here is very special. It is luscious, bountiful and just a little bit quirky. The menu is extensive, with unex... [more]
Hollywell Sailing Squadron maintains a small clubhouse overlooking the pristine northern-most reaches of the magnificent... [more]
Bring nana and the kids to the Gold Coast Regional Botanic Gardens for a day of gardening and science fun. There will b... [more]
Australians love the beach and splashing around in the surf, but until today, the salty ocean spray on the face and sand... [more]
The Burleigh Markets are a farmers market, a gourmet food market, a craft market, an antiques market, and a collectables... [more]
The Brickworks Centre on Ferry Rd in Southport is an exclusive retail shopping mecca with a well-heeled clientele, witho... [more]
Fresh seafood is undeniably better than frozen, and we have lots to choose from on the Gold Coast. Nevertheless, most fi... [more]