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Writer Rank: 483
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Readers: 1283
Articles: 8
Comments: 3
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My WeekendNotes - 8
If you are planning a trip to Malaysia, make sure to look out for the annual hot air balloon fiesta. Formally known as t... [more]
10/03/2017 - 12/03/2017
Have you ever had one serving of pasta and feeling too full to order another? Have you ever wished the pasta servings we... [more]
Pack your swimwear, sunnies, sunscreen, picnic basket and mat. There is a well-known family friendly beach about 6.5 km ... [more]
The current Bandar Jugra is a quaint, sleepy town that was once a royal town and the centre of British administration ci... [more]
Summer time is just around the corner and you can expect popular beaches to be thronged by beach goers. Imagine if you c... [more]
Travelling to Penang Island will not be complete without a visit to the beach. The Batu Ferringhi beach is just a mere 3... [more]
A day trip to Bukit Tinggi provides a refreshing experience and is only an hour away from the busy Kuala Lumpur city. If... [more]
A trip to Kuala Lumpur city centre could leave you weary after all that shopping in concrete malls, especially so when y... [more]