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Frank Pryor Profile

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City: Melbourne

Originally from Canberra, I moved to Melbourne for study. You might say that my life is much like this sentence - it began with a capital. Now, having spent a few years in Melbourne, I share my experiences of each city.

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Writer Rank: 200
cub writer
Readers: 15427
Subscribers: 2
Articles: 8
Rank Calculation:
15427 =
[15427] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 5
Placed a stone's throw away from each of the Kingston and Manuka shopping centres, Bowen Park is the closest Lake Burley... [more]
If you're a parent looking for a fun place to bring the kids on a Spring or Summer's day, look no further. Weston Park... [more]
If looking for somewhere to start (or continue) a fitness regime, Princes Park could be a good option. Situated just nor... [more]
Lennox Gardens, located to the west of the Commonwealth Avenue Bridge, is one of the closest picnic parks to Parliament ... [more]
The Murrumbidgee River, west of Canberra, is certainly one of the region's greatest natural assets. Casuarina Sands is a... [more]