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City: Dubai
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Writer Rank: 2
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Readers: 1972
Articles: 11
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[10 x 0]
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My WeekendNotes - 11
Classy and cozy but definitely not quiet on a Monday night, Salmontini gives you an open sushi and sashimi bar. Exclusiv... [more]
Dubai does not play host to many, if not any, independent sweets shops. Cafes and ice cream shops are hefty in number as... [more]
It will make you gasp with excitement when you see that the coffee shop from the 90's hit TV show, Friends, is reinv... [more]
Superhero movies are never short of a fan base held accountable for the traffic they drive to the theaters. They are cla... [more]
The modern world is full of chain restaurants with a set theme, trained employees and a menu. They are also multinationa... [more]
This Tuesday, July 2nd, The Scene Club invites you to the screening of The Class in Dubai's Knowledge Village Conference... [more]
Humans have an inherent need to tell a story and walk away mystified by the questions it raises and the power it produce... [more]
The UAE is known to be the host for the world's largest, tallest and fastest everything whether it's a building, garden,... [more]
If anything is in abundance in Dubai, it's restaurants. Fast food, fine dining, chain restaurants---Dubai has it all. ... [more]
Not a one shot, a sequel or a trilogy, but the sixth edition of Fast & Furious featuring the all-star cast from the ori... [more]
"It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it that you may come across four or five times... [more]