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City: Brisbane

I am a freelance writer living in Brisbane.
I enjoy the thrill of finding the hidden treasures in and around Brisbane.

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Writer Rank: 66
cub writer
Readers: 51928
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Articles: 111
Comments: 1
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My WeekendNotes - 111
Celebrating relaxed restrictions, The Plough Inn reopened on 10 June 2020. It is time to wine and dine and welcome the ... [more]
Navaratri is an auspicious time, it is a festival that is celebrated with passion over nine days in devotion of the Hind... [more]
17/10/2015 - 24/09/2015
Access Arts has been providing platforms and opportunities for artists with disability for over 30 years. The Brisbane O... [more]
08/09/2015 - 26/09/2015
"When you feel like giving up, just remember the reason why you held on for so long." – Unknow Out of the Shadows all... [more]
Face painting, petting zoo, jumping castle and an art exhibition are among the activities to be enjoyed at the Multicap ... [more]
Experience passionately inspiring performances at the Undercover Artist Festival - the first arts and disability festiva... [more]
26/06/2015 - 27/06/2015
Enjoy the great winter weather at a relaxing 'Afternoon of the Classics' presented by the Redlands City Bands. A ... [more]
Nests symbolise protection and nurturing, ideally The Nest, situated in a serene heritage listed house in Everton Park, ... [more]
Addison's disease is a rare condition that affects 1 in 10 000 people. The Queensland Addison's disease Association ... [more]
HMRIs' upcoming public seminar will provide valuable information in regards to present and future treatment methods and ... [more]
Which swimmer was known as Madam Butterfly? In which 1981 film does the soccer legend Pele appear? What is the dog's nam... [more]
4Elements is a project created and developed to address the needs as identified by the youth in Bankstown LGA and surrou... [more]
Paintings are more than just pictures in a frame, they are unfolding stories with multiple perspectives. This is perfect... [more]
06/03/2015 - 22/03/2015
Your closet needs to be a place of joy and celebration of who are you now - not who you were. If you do not use it or ne... [more]
With alfresco living at the core of the Australian lifestyle, Mirvac is proud to unveil its innovative new balcony displ... [more]
A Kiss is the focal point of every great love story and an experience that has motivated and inspired artists for thousa... [more]
14/02/2015 - 03/03/2015
Sparks are set to fly when corporate and community teams 'battle it out' in a social beach volleyball tournament on Sund... [more]
The Butterfly children are the young children who have skin said to be as fragile as a butterfly's wings. This is as a r... [more]
The award winning Kurilpa Community Childcare Centre is celebrating its 70th anniversary this year. Borne out of necessi... [more]
Spring is fashion time and the jacaranda playground at St Joseph's Primary will be transformed into the magical venue fo... [more]
You are invited to the Zonta Fashion Showcase. Save this date as all proceeds from this event are going towards Anglica... [more]
Join Tina a commitment volunteer from Be Uplifted Inc on a girls day out. A day of Retail therapy. No driving and no ... [more]
You are re invited to the 7th Annual Heart of Gold International Film Festival. Hosted in the country town of Gympie fro... [more]
09/10/2014 - 12/10/2014
Retro, Vintage, Rockabilly Steampunk and more at the Polka Dots and Stripes Halloween Market. You are proudly invited to... [more]
26/10/2014 - 26/09/2014
"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions." Albert Einstein The Mindful Journey i... [more]
Peet Limited hosts a free outdoor showing of Disney's family movie "Frozen" to celebrate Spring with residents of Riverb... [more]
Outdoor movie nights are part of the fun in the growing Flagstone community,This is an alcohol and smoke-free event prou... [more]
If you're a lover of all things vintage and rockabilly, visit The Veresdale Hotel for a great fashion show includin... [more]
Chicks Conquering Cancer invites you to a Carp Charity Fishing Competition - fish from the bank, canoe, kayak or boat a... [more]