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City: Sunshine Coast
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Writer Rank: 29
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My WeekendNotes - 11
You'd be forgiven for walking past IS Tapas bar and wondering what on earth was going on in there. For starters, IS ... [more]
If you've lived in Noosa for a while, you will know that restaurants in Noosa are something of a pride point. We have so... [more]
Coffee in Noosa is not a new concept. Everyone has their own little piece of perfect where they will gladly travel out o... [more]
Augello's Ristorate & Pizzeria claims to have the best pizza on the globe. They're not wrong. After being turned away fr... [more]
Ice cream is something a lot of people want to get right. There is not necessarily a 'bad' ice cream, but there are defi... [more]
Coolum Beach is often forgotten in wake of names like Noosa or Mooloolaba. While Noosa, and indeed the other well known ... [more]
The Noosa River is the perfect place to take a picnic, or just grab a coffee and take a stroll. It's a family friendly d... [more]
The arrival of Mad Mex at Sunshine Plaza, Maroochydore heralded something different to the McDonald's and the KFC's that... [more]
From crêpes, to dingoes, to basket weaving and even a Zumba extravaganza the Noosa Biosphere festival of 2012 attracted ... [more]
The Biosphere Festival is a fantastic community event with everything from free demonstrations from groups like Gekoes W... [more]
Everyone who visits Noosa knows about Hasting Street, and Main Beach, but what not everyone realises is that just beyond... [more]