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Alice Adventures Profile

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Writer Rank: 216
cub writer
Readers: 13565
Subscribers: 8
Articles: 11
Comments: 1
Rank Calculation:
13565 =
[13565] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 7
I lived in Tokyo for 5 years, so Japanese places in Melbourne get me excited and nostalgic. I've devised a flexible Jap... [more]
Anyone who has waited for a baby to arrive knows that those last days or weeks can pass very slowly. People often get st... [more]
I have always been a bit jealous of the Italian families that come together to process tomatoes, share a meal and create... [more]
Looking for a new outdoor local adventure as the weather warms up? Create some great memories with your friends, other ... [more]
Chateau Tahbilk is a winery with a lot going for it. Let's side step the wines – just for a moment, I promise- and cons... [more]
Have you seen the movie Whip It? Did you see the TV broadcasts of U.S. roller derby bouts in the late 1970s? If so,... [more]
For a change of pace, consider rugging up in your winter woolies and heading to the Australian Sheep and Wool Show i... [more]
20/07/2012 - 22/07/2012