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Writer Rank: 296
cub writer
Readers: 7146
Subscribers: 4
Articles: 11
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7146 =
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 11
On a chilly Friday morning, I decided to continue my hunt for the best vegan breakfast at my local Lentil As Anything re... [more]
Fresh on my hunt for the best vegan breakfast in inner-city Melbourne, I decide to try The Mercy Seat as my first destin... [more]
It's a dangerous game turning books into films. Always vulnerable to critics, the wars of book versus film can be viciou... [more]
06/06/2012 - 03/10/2012
Are you an aspiring writer, interested in polishing your skills? Or a reader wanting to hear a favourite author, or disc... [more]
31/05/2012 - 25/07/2012
Signing, dancing and tattooing are a few of the ways that cultures can and do engage with the world using the body as th... [more]
If there is one thing I have noticed that all my vegan friends get universally excited about, it is vegan festivals. ... [more]
28/04/2012 - 29/04/2012
I first heard of Fitzroy Market when a flatmate asked me if I would like to join her in a stall she was holding to get r... [more]
Booze, bands and many many beautiful things to wear and use and enjoy; magpie-eyes will be shining this Friday and Satur... [more]
20/04/2012 - 21/04/2012
Interested in life extension, artificial intelligence and human enhancement? Then the Humanity conference on the weeke... [more]
05/05/2012 - 06/05/2012
We didn't know what to expect as we walked up the road towards our accommodation for the night. It was Easter weekend an... [more]
It isn't easy being a vegan in Sorrento. After a day of eating greasy chips and finding chicken in my plain spaghetti ... [more]