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Catherine Wills Profile

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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 104
cub writer
Readers: 48129
Subscribers: 27
Articles: 70
Comments: 1
Rank Calculation:
48129 =
[48129] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 15
What warms the heart more than homemade scones with scrumptious jam and cream? How about homemade scones with scrumptiou... [more]
So Geelong may seem like a world away from Melbourne city, but really it isn't. And a visit to the Geelong Waterfront is... [more]
Food - the glorious, exquisite fundamental element to our existence. It really does deserve to be acknowledged to its fu... [more]
So winter is fast approaching, which means the rain will be increasing. But as those familiar with Melbourne city will k... [more]
There are many ways for the good old burger to be presented: cooked up on a barbecue in the backyard, on a plate with sa... [more]
There is a new term being coined in the professional world to summarise a new way of working: the Digital Nomad. Basical... [more]
Picturesque seaside views and winding ocean roads are yours to explore along the exceptional coastline of Victoria. The ... [more]
To all those Melbourne cat lovers, it is time to rejoice. The opening of the Cat Cafe in Melbourne means that your favou... [more]
With sand as white as the clouds above and the sparkling ocean reflecting the blue of the sky, you may for a moment thin... [more]
Got that sugar craving? Why not attend to it in the cutest way possible - via cupcakes! Located at 261 Brunswick Str... [more]
So you've just arrived on Melbourne on the train, or perhaps you're heading home after a day enjoying the city life. Eit... [more]
On a recent trip to England, my heart raced with excitement simply at entering the precinct of a significant city filled... [more]
As a Geelong local who regularly frequents Melbourne, I am in a fortunate position to experience the best of both worlds... [more]
Need to quench your thirst in Melbourne city? Got a big night planned and not sure where to begin? Whether you're lookin... [more]
The year is 1851 and the thought of gold has led you the township of Ballarat. Will you make your fortunes here, or will... [more]