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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 374
cub writer
Readers: 4242
Subscribers: 16
Articles: 6
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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My WeekendNotes - 6
My flatmate is a nurse, so occasionally has days off during the week. And as I value not-working over most things, I too... [more]
It's the university holidays and I've been trying to use my time off wisely. However, in the Winter and as someone with ... [more]
I wish I had my finger on the pulse. Despite having excess time to dedicate to what's new in music, restaurants, cafés a... [more]
Occasionally I am overcome with a desire to lead a more productive existence. These rare flashes generally occur on a Su... [more]
It was one of those nights when you first realise that Winter has arrived. I wanted to stay in and celebrate this with a... [more]
My motivation to explore comes from my taste buds. If I can combine their delight with a nice walk, that's brilliant. I ... [more]