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Wendy Profile

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City: Sydney

Wendy enjoys the experience of uncovering interesting places and arts.

Through observation, exploration, participation and interaction with people, these make her days much more pleasant.

By sharing these experiences and simple pleasures with like-minded people, she hopes to brighten their days too.

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Writer Rank: 31
Readers: 210813
Subscribers: 52
Articles: 204
Comments: 260
Rank Calculation:
210801 =
[210801] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Courses - 5 articles (subscribe)
Have you ever wanted to learn more about Chinese culture, but not sure what is the best way to start with? To celebrate ... [more]
08/02/2013 - 24/02/2013
No matter whether you are an active person or you love doing something creative, there are various ideas for learning ac... [more]
13/09/2012 - 05/10/2012
Winter chills and rainy weekends are the major deterrents for most people to exercise. However, there is always a way ou... [more]
Have you ever wanted to learn some basic skills to repair household items to save some money, or re-invigorate your lo... [more]
If you have ever wanted to indulge in your creative pursuits, but don't have time during the week, here's some great new... [more]