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Laura Profile

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City: Sydney

I am a writer doing my best to look at Sydney every day with tourist eyes. You can check out my blog at

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Writer Rank: 83
cub writer
Readers: 43131
Subscribers: 22
Articles: 21
Comments: 14
Rank Calculation:
43131 =
[43131] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Awards - 3
There is a cafe that has quickly grown to make a name for itself among coffee lovers since it came onto the scene ... [more]
It is the thrill of the chase that makes wild animals appreciate their dinner and with the food truck phenomenon rol... [more]
Dinner and a movie is a pretty classic combination, but how would you feel about a little mystery and adventure gett... [more]