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Writer Rank: 119
cub writer
Readers: 9074
Subscribers: 6
Articles: 15
Rank Calculation:
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My WeekendNotes - 15
This show is more storytelling than your usual stand up comedy and Joel Clapham has a charming way of engaging the a... [more]
13/03/2017 - 19/03/2017
The self proclaimed 'Evil love child of Liza Minnelli and Jim Carrey', Reuben Kaye, has bought his latest show "Succ... [more]
17/02/2017 - 19/03/2017
If it wasn't obvious from their blurb, this is, in no way, a traditional Shakespeare. This work focuses on Ophelia,... [more]
28/02/2017 - 04/03/2017
Have you ever wanted to pack up and just head off to explore Europe? These are the stories of those who have and hav... [more]
28/02/2017 - 05/03/2017
The show started with a stab at Pauline Hanson and the jokes, and laughter, kept rolling from there. Individual set... [more]
28/02/2017 - 01/03/2017
This touching production begins at the Scrabble World Championships, Austin Michaels' (played by Dylan Cole), crowni... [more]
20/02/2017 - 28/02/2017
Gemma Bovery is a delightful film that was presented during the French Film Festival and now has its own cinema rele... [more]
2015 is shaping up to be a big year for 'Round She Goes markets. Their first market for the year in Adelaide is on ... [more]
The fabulous vintage Round She Goes Market is returning to Adelaide for another year. Saturday May 10th (just before... [more]
Minestra is a newish cafe on Churchill Road, Prospect and is a lovely edition to the area. "Local, homegrown food c... [more]
Have you ever wanted to go beyond snorkelling but looked into SCUBA and thought "All that time and money - I just want s... [more]
St Peters Bakehouse and Coffee Shop, located in picturesque St Peters, is one of the best bakeries I have been to in a l... [more]
Paris-Manhattan is a sweet funny little film and I can understand why it was the "#1 smash hit of the 2012 French Film F... [more]
October is Zombie month in Adelaide with the Zombie Walk in the first week (October 6 for 2012) and, of course, Hall... [more]
The Loose Caboose is the newest addition to the Bowden explosion. The quaint Bowden train station (the oldest in Austra... [more]