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City: Sydney
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Writer Rank: 61
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Readers: 84647
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Articles: 25
Comments: 49
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My WeekendNotes - 25
The European region of Scandinavia (officially Denmark, Norway and Sweden) may be small and sparsely populated but i... [more]
Australia has always been the world's poor cousin when it comes to big concert tours. Our location at the bottom ... [more]
Oh the times they are a-changin' some hoary old rocker once said. And the times have definitely changed in the past 25 y... [more]
Welsh comedy legend Griff Rhys Jones, familiar to Australians through his work on 1980s TV comedy hits Not The Nine O'... [more]
19/10/2018 - 30/10/2018
Celebrating 65 years of Australian/Thai bonds, Khon: Exquisite Masked Dance Drama is coming to the Casula Powerhouse Art... [more]
The walled city of Derry (also known as Londonderry) at the very northwestern tip of Northern Ireland is one of the ol... [more]
British 1980s pop icons Bananarama return to Australia this February performing for the first time Down Under since 1997... [more]
05/02/2016 - 20/02/2016
Godfathers of Rave The Prodigy return to Australia this March, headlining the Future Music Festival as it rolls across t... [more]
28/02/2015 - 11/03/2015
Wondering what to do with the kids this June long weekend? Whilst Sydney's natural beauty and ample beaches, parks an... [more]
Summer is just around the corner and with it comes visions of scantily clad bronzed beauties running in slow motion acro... [more]
22/11/2012 - 02/12/2012
Maree's Strawberry Custard Tarts are the most heavenly dessert you could wish for! Plump, luscious strawberries coated ... [more]
The name probably means nothing to most people, but French photographer Eugène Atget founded the art of documentary phot... [more]
24/08/2012 - 04/11/2012
If you are anything like me, you probably sometimes wish the whole 21st century would just go and do something quite u... [more]
14/09/2012 - 16/09/2012
Farmer's markets are quickly becoming the de rigeur place to shop for your fresh fruit and vegetables, something the big... [more]
Book lovers, I know you are probably still recovering from the UNSW Annual Book Fair, but look sharp as the 2MBS Book ... [more]
07/06/2012 - 17/06/2012
Enjoying the picture postcard perfect views of Sydney Harbour is one of the must see attractions in Australia. Stick... [more]
Sydney Harbour is Australia's most iconic waterscapes and is one of the world's most celebrated landscapes. Its definin... [more]
In a world obsessed with Kindles, iPads, Kobus and apps there is nothing more refreshing than a good old book fair. May... [more]
05/04/2012 - 15/03/2012
As March begins to wind down and brightly coloured foiled wrapped concoctions start to appear in the shops, our mind... [more]
31/03/2012 - 22/03/2012
Think antiques, olde-worlde charm and great coffee and I'm guessing the Princes Highway in Kogarah isn't the first place... [more]
Sydney doesn't really do villages the way London or New York do. We're too constricted by our landscape to be an... [more]
Nestled in a green pocket, just a few hundred metres south of the North Sydney skyscrapers, lies Sydney's best urban vil... [more]
Perhaps due to our convict, non-conformist beginnings Australia has always been very much a secular society. As such, th... [more]
Not many places in Sydney can boast a real life shipwreck, but that's exactly what you will find at Sawmiller Reserve in... [more]
Sydney has many great Harbour viewpoints, but the view from Blues Point Reserve in McMahons Point is arguably the best. ... [more]