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City: Sydney

Twenty four year old girl studying languages and creative writing, coming home to Sydney after five years exploring the world.

Nicola couldn't live without books or fruit. She loves discovering great places to walk, eat and seeing every movie ever made.

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Writer Rank: 159
cub writer
Readers: 17370
Subscribers: 1
Articles: 10
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17370 =
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[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 10
If you're sick of hearing about sparkling vampires, witches and lycanthropy, but you know your daughter is not quite rea... [more]
It's never too early to get excited about the magic of Christmas - and seeing as though Sydney usually is considerate en... [more]
What's in a name? Well, in this case, the absolute truth. The Kapos family have been making and designing beautiful h... [more]
Need a plan for the New Year? Looking to get out of the city with friends or the whole family? Well, think of s... [more]
29/12/2011 - 01/01/2012
If the rumours are true, and the world is going to end in 2012, then why not get your last year on earth started with so... [more]
If you're looking for a memorable way to bring in the New Year with friends, great music, food, drinks, celebrities and ... [more]
31/12/2011 - 01/01/2012
During summertime Sydney can be a haven for relaxing days by the beach or picnics in the park. However, it can also ... [more]
Summer holidays are quickly approaching, and with no beaches close by why not escape to the air-conditioned world of dis... [more]
After spending six weeks with friends on a study abroad program in Spain, we returned to Canberra's wintry cold with lit... [more]
Living in Sydney is a an incredible gift - no matter where you live in the beautiful city, you're never more than fiftee... [more]