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Jack Lewis Profile

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City: Melbourne
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Writer Rank: 281
cub writer
Readers: 7921
Subscribers: 5
Articles: 8
Comments: 3
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7921 =
[7921] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 8
Sometimes living in a large city can become too stressful and one needs to escape to a quieter place. One of the best wa... [more]
There are many bars in Melbourne. People think that the bar they like is the best, usually, but this is not correct.... [more]
Melbourne has some great cafés and while some of them may receive more hype than they deserve there are others that dese... [more]
Melbourne is a city known for its wildly inconsistent weather so when we do get some nice weather which we have lately (... [more]
With just over a month to go until summer and test match cricket almost underway Australians are going to need to answer... [more]
In recent years people have become more health concious and are rightly concerned about sugar intake, but even though he... [more]
There is nothing like the thrill of discovering a hidden gem in the middle of the city. Melbourne has many fantastic bar... [more]
Melbournians have long been enjoying some fantastic coffee, but it is only more recently that microbreweries and some of... [more]