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City: Brisbane

Science/IT - Radio - Newspaper - Tour Guide - Hostel Manager - Luxury Apartments. That's normal, right? Traveller with a writing problem.

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Writer Rank: 136
cub writer
Readers: 14561
Subscribers: 9
Articles: 15
Comments: 1
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[10 x 0]
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My WeekendNotes - 15
For a town of less than 1000 people, Allora has a few claims to fame. Rugby league supercoach Wayne Bennett was born in ... [more]
If you ever get the chance to go to New Orleans, take it. Trust me on this one. Walking down Bourbon Street stimulate... [more]
For a long time it looked as though only one person designed Brisbane bars. Looking like they'd been squeezed out of the... [more]
IN recent years we've seen the blossoming of craft beers around Australia. Where once upon a time you had a choice of ab... [more]
So the challenge was set: find a campground that had a place to swim, a place to fish and a place to relax. Cue some ... [more]
Some say that New York, New York is a wonderful town; others talk about those Hollywood nights in the Hollywood Hills, i... [more]
Back in a previous incarnation as a tour guide there was nothing I loved more than a free day in a city like Paris or Ve... [more]
Of all the things you can be worried about in life - terrorist attacks, shark attacks, crocodile attacks, Kim Kardashian... [more]
To have lived in the 1920s would have been to live in one of the 20th-century's more interesting decades. Europeans came... [more]
The West End of Brisbane is a strange little place, resting as it does in a small peninsula formed by the Brisbane River... [more]
A good driving road needs three things: hills, curves and stunning scenery. Fast speeds are probably what you don't want... [more]
ONE of the biggest complaints you hear from people is that Brisbane is boring. They may have a point. Sort of. It's t... [more]
Weight loss and nightclubs: not two things you would normally associate. Generally speaking when one goes out on the... [more]
Sometimes the best things in life last the shortest time. If you don't believe me, think of the most boring thing you've... [more]
I LOVE beer. Now I'm not exactly sure if this is a family thing (we all assumed there was a milk shortage when Old Ma... [more]