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City: Adelaide
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Writer Rank: 139
cub writer
Readers: 5964
Subscribers: 1
Articles: 8
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My WeekendNotes - 8
Ladies and gentlemen, fire up the train tickets. Get the umbrellas out. Prepare to pay $50 for a pie and ice coffee (not... [more]
Adelaide is a city of some 1.2Million people, they are divided by race, culture, class and suburb lines. South, North, W... [more]
Christopher Nolan has reinvented the batman franchise. Starting in 2005 with Batman Begins followed up with the incr... [more]
Dulcie Perry Park is located in North Brighton. It's a large open area park with play equipment spread around variou... [more]
The footpath on the esplanade between Somerton surf lifesaving club and Brighton Jetty is currently under development. T... [more]
Russell's Pizza Willunga is a boutique wood fire pizza restaurant in Willunga, a modest 40kms from the Adelaide CBD.... [more]
Royal Copenhagen Brighton is the latest edition to the Brighton cafe strip on Jetty road. It is a beautiful, inviting ca... [more]
The Good Neighbour Gardens are located in North Brighton. It is a small park area containing children's play equip... [more]