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City: Melbourne

All round nice guy.

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Writer Rank: 390
cub writer
Readers: 3938
Subscribers: 15
Articles: 8
Comments: 1
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3938 =
[3938] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
x 0.5
My WeekendNotes - 8
You would be forgiven if you lived in Richmond and had no idea about this little gem of a coffee shop. Although it's add... [more]
It was thanks to a small book that we stumbled across this little gem of a restaurant. If you have never heard of th... [more]
After indulging in too much chocolate last weekend you would think that I would avoid such places. Especially when it le... [more]
I have always thought of myself as having more of a savoury tooth rather than a sweet tooth. My wife, on the other hand,... [more]
My intention of spending Sunday morning lounging on the couch and reading the paper were tossed out the window by my wif... [more]
The rolling restaurant. It was my wife's birthday the other day and I decided to take her out for a surprise dinner... [more]
There are many writers who have turned the act of describing food into an art. Words like "tantalising", "gustatory"... [more]
The Australian Museum is not exactly the hippest or most trendy place to visit in Sydney. With the Sydney Harbour Bridge... [more]