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City: Brisbane

A wandering wonderer.

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Writer Rank: 209
cub writer
Readers: 5853
Subscribers: 4
Articles: 8
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My WeekendNotes - 8
If you have difficulty distinguishing between a thrift store and a vintage store, or if you think the two are pretty... [more]
With its bright, colourful exterior, Bent Books certainly catches the eye. This second-hand bookstore has a distinct Wes... [more]
Located within the stylish Emporium shopping precinct in Fortitude Valley lies Coaldrake's Bookshop & Espresso Bar. ... [more]
I've walked down the main stretch of shops in West End countless times and I've often passed a shop that many people... [more]
It's nearly that time of year again. That time of year when Storm Troopers wander through the city scoffing burgers from... [more]
04/11/2011 - 06/11/2011
These days, a growing number of people are thinking of music as noise; something to fill the silence in the car or a... [more]
10/01/2012 - 11/01/2012
Paddington has long been the favoured haunt of the young and trendy of Brisbane, with cafes, thrift shops and boutiques ... [more]
Prepare yourself to be launched back through the years, to a time when music was created by musicians, when art was ... [more]