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City: Adelaide
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Writer Rank: 228
cub writer
Readers: 1324
Subscribers: 7
Articles: 7
Comments: 1
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1324 =
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My WeekendNotes - 7
Montague Street Bagels, or "Hot Bag" as it's known, is reliability itself. There is an incredible variety of things to e... [more]
Generous slices, pretty good prices, and a really tasty selection. Ben's is located at 123 MacDougal St, right in th... [more]
Despite a few hiccups, Beige Abrasion's original and absorbing soundscapes were a refreshing addition to Adelaide's oeuv... [more]
Psyched out polyrhythmic guitar-looping madness only begins to describe the intensity of seeing Doe play live. The Adela... [more]
The Weekend dilemma: Should you go to an imitation Irish sports pubs to have your $14 pint knocked out of your hand by a... [more]
Adelaide does pretty well for itself when it comes to street music. From the soothing sounds of The Chapman Stick Guy, t... [more]
If you're sick of paying $15 for a grease and gristle lunch, you'll definitely want to check out this Indian classic... [more]