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Michelle MacFarlane Profile

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City: Brisbane

I'm a Brisbane writer and the busy mum of two boys aged 10 and 12. My freelance work includes parenting articles for Brisbane's Child, Kids on the Coast, and on-line parenting magazines. After more than a decade exploring the ins and outs of Brisbane's parks, soccer fields, kid-friendly eateries, school-holiday freebies, etc, etc, I love sharing my discoveries with other families.

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My Topics
Camping & Outdoors (2|5)
Eating Out With Kids (5)
Holidays With Kids (5|4)
Kids' Activities (12|5)
Parenting (2|2)
Writer Rank: 33
Readers: 184802
Subscribers: 49
Articles: 97
Comments: 100
Rank Calculation:
184802 =
[184802] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
x 0.5
x 0.5
x 0.5
Eating Out With Kids - 5 articles (subscribe)
Tognini's Cafe at the State Library of Queensland was one of our favourites when my boys were younger. Tognini's served ... [more]
When I was a uni student and a vegetarian, Humble Pies were a staple part of my diet. Healthy, yummy and affordable, the... [more]
I grew up on the Sunshine Coast, home at various times to the Big Pineapple, Big Shell, Big Stubby, and a fairytale cast... [more]
A hungry eight-year-old can lead a family unexpected places. Take my family, for example. There we were at South Bank... [more]
One Sunday recently I was invited to join a group of friends for morning coffee at Echidna Magic Restaurant at Mount Gra... [more]