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Writer Rank: 143
cub writer
Readers: 13306
Subscribers: 20
Articles: 9
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My WeekendNotes - 9
The running season is upon us and the next few months will see thousands of people of various levels hitting the pavemen... [more]
Holidays and new towns always provide a great opportunity to sample new things. Whilst on holidays in Melbourne recentl... [more]
The social calendar begins to fill quickly at this time of the year. The Spring Racing Carnival is upon us and the fest... [more]
25/10/2012 - 28/10/2012
Spring is definitely in the air. As we welcome the warmer weather, it is almost time to bid farewell to the official ru... [more]
Over the last few weeks, my inbox has been inundated with emails regarding various running festivals. The running season... [more]
Makeovers are usually associated with style and fashion. I recently experienced a makeover of a completely different ty... [more]
If you feel like being immersed in the flavours of Italy, Classi Di Cucina Italiana could be a perfect option for you. ... [more]
If you think wedge shoes are a fashion faux pas you might be surprised to find it is you (and not the shoes) trapped in ... [more]
Salisbury has quietly undergone a makeover in the last few years. When Apples on Ainsworth opened in early 2010 it was ... [more]