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Writer Rank: 227
cub writer
Readers: 12169
Subscribers: 41
Articles: 51
Comments: 23
Rank Calculation:
12166 =
[12166] +
[5 x 0] +
[10 x 0]
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x 0.5
Awards - 10
Whoever said size doesn't matter has clearly never set foot in CJ's Village Market! I've had a healthy and fervent ob... [more]
A restaurant with a superhero theme? In Nairobi? I told my best friend: say less. Intentionally avoiding the urge to Goo... [more]
They say love makes the world go round and two weeks ago, I experienced this reality first hand at The View Rotating Res... [more]
If you want to feel like you are one with wildlife and nature but don't want to travel too far from Nairobi CBD, Masai L... [more]
You know how it goes with us foodies - we see nice pictures on the gram and we add to the list - the ever-growing list o... [more]
Four hangry people walked into a bar ... It was past 4pm on a Tuesday and none of us had had lunch. We'd spent the da... [more]
You might not believe me when I tell you that the only reason I stumbled upon Arkibar Cucina is because they are located... [more]
The name wouldn't suggest fine dining, but then again, what's in a name? You'd be forgiven for thinking that The Cut Ste... [more]
Piccadilly Restaurant, situated on the ground floor of the Mt. Lofty House, is a little safe haven. What it doesn't have... [more]
Windy Point Restaurant cannot be compared to a jewel. The lasting memories it leaves far outweigh the momentary euphoria... [more]