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Home > Adelaide > Comments > Port Milang Historic Railway Museum
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It is pleasing to see this small historic town continuing to develop the Railway Station area overlooking the jetty and lake.Back in the 1940s and fifties the jetty had bathing sheds and children would have a lot of fun diving / jumping off the jetty.Where the jetty met the grassed area on the eastern side,there was a stretch of sandy beach for children to play.Must revisit next year and Merry Xmas.Thanks Dave for your wonderful coverage of places to visit in S.A. on this site...hope you can continue next year!
by noelp (score: 3|1201) 2366 days ago
by Dave Walsh (score: 4), 2366 days ago
Thanks again Noel, it's wonderful to hear your memories - I just hope my memory remains as good as yours :)