Pop-up Sculpture, Outback Art & Fashion Exhibition
Sat 19 Feb 2022 - Mon 28 Mar 2022
Over 6 weeks, Sculptors Queensland and Red Ridge Gallery are proudly presenting a joint exhibition showcasing stunning sculptures and artwork by talented Queensland artists and fashion from Red Ridge The Label. Opening on Saturday 19 February, the vibrant and eclectic exhibition offers Brisbane art lovers the opportunity to view paintings by artists from Western Queensland, including Cloncurry contemporary artist Ruth Chaplain, Indigenous artists, Two Sisters Talking, Jean and Joyce Barr-Crombie from Birdsville, traditional landscaper Kathy Hartland from Barcaldine, and emerging artist Lindy Hardie from Blackall.
The diverse collection of artwork features a variety of styles and media, from traditional landscapes in acrylic, oils and pastels, contemporary styles, mixed media and indigenous dot paintings. Complementing the display are pieces by Sculptors Queensland artists and garments from Red Ridge the Label, which transforms the Barr-Crombie sisters' artwork from canvas into a beautiful fashion line. All artworks are available for sale.
The exhibition brings the beauty of the bush and a taste of red dust to the middle of Brisbane! Jo Bullock-Saxton, President of Sculptors Queensland, noted "
it is very exciting to view our sculptures against new Outback themed paintings."This collaborative exhibition aims to connect both city and outback artists with new audiences and help them reach a larger market. Work from the catalogue is already starting to sell!
The exhibition opens on Saturday 19 February, with artists in the gallery to speak about their work on Sunday 20 February 11 am - 1:30 pm. The exhibition is open Wednesdays and Weekends 11 am - 1:30 pm or by appointment (call 0434 880 668) until Sunday 28 March. Plan your visit today by visiting www.redridgeinteriorqueensland.com/outbackartpop-upexhibition.For all the latest on the exhibition, please see:Red Ridge Interior Queensland Ltd at www.redridgeinteriorqueensland.com , Facebook and Instagram .Park Road Milton at www.parkroadmilton.com.au , Facebook and Instagram .Sculptors Queensland
at https://sculptorsqld.org.au , Facebook and Instagram .
#art -and-craft-centres
!date 19/02/2022 -- 28/03/2022
153350 - 2023-06-14 07:49:15