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Letting our fur babies off leash in the Australian bush is not the wisest choice. The landscape is littered with hidden threats such as brown snakes and red-bellied black snakes. I always keep mine on a short rein and smack bang in the middle of a path! This practice recently saved any accidents when a juvenile brown snake crossed about 1' in front of my dog's paws. I saw it out of my periphery view just in time to yank hard on his leash and pull him right up into the air out of harm's way. If he'd been free-ranging, he wouldn't have stood a chance had he accidentally stood on it or gone for it. He didn't see this particular one coming!
by heath68 (score: 1|70) 2429 days ago
by Jane Wong (score: 3), 2429 days ago
Oops just had another look at the article and I realized it does look as though Eddy was walking off leash - Eddy is well-trained and will sit still for photos. He won't move from the spot until I hold onto his leash again and give him the command to get going :) even the photo of him seemingly walking down, he was actually just standing still. I would never let Eddy off leash in the bush, you're right - there's too much we need to look out for!
by Jane Wong (score: 3), 2429 days ago
Thanks for your insightful comments - our pets' safety is always our number 1 priority! Dogs aren't allowed off-leash in
Plunkett Conservation Park anyway, and for good reason :)