Playing Card Flower Decoration

Playing Card Flower Decoration


Posted 2014-03-08 by Caitlin Rebeccafollow
Alice In Wonderland inspired a whole world of art and craft using playing cards as a theme.

Below, I'll show you the steps to create a playing card styled flower that can be used for themed parties or as a decoration for clothes or hair.

To begin with, get together the amount of playing cards you want to use (I used thirteen), scissors, some strong, clear-dry glue and a button, bead or whatever decoration you want to use in the centre of the decoration.

After you have the supplies together, you can start on the first layer. It can be easier to glue as you go, so pick up each card and slightly bend/dog-ear the two top corners downwards, then glue each one overlapping the one previous*. It can also help to cut the bottom corners of every second card so they line up better to form the flower petal shape.

  • (Another option is to put the cut cards overlapping the whole cards)

  • This is an example of how it will look once this step is completed.

    For the second layer of cards, cut the cards in half and then cut a V shaped bottom. Dog ear the top corners again, this time so they raise up instead of down.

    Glue these cards down, bending the top part up again to emphasize them.

    For the last layer, cut the cards shorter again (you can judge how short judging by the last layer) then cut a V into the bottom centre of the card.

    Twist the card and glue the V shape down so it twists the card a little bit. Hold this to ensure it's secure and then glue each of these cards down and bend them up to emphasize the petal appearance again.

    This is the final result with each layer of cards glued down:

    Then, glue the button/gem/decoration into the centre of the card flower.

    Finally, you can decide what to use it for. Make a bunch and use them as table decorations, glue a pin onto the back to create a broach or glue a hair clip onto the back and have it as a hair accessory.

    In a few quick steps you have a unique Alice In Wonderland inspired decoration.

    88700 - 2023-06-11 07:57:05


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