Playing Bingo For Prizes
I would like to tell you about a leisure activity that I participate in frequently. You have probably heard about this leisure activity but not the way I participate in. The leisure activity is "bingo".
Such leisure activity is a game usually played for money by a bingo caller calling out numbers for people to match to their bingo cards by the use of tokens.
However, with the way I play, we play for prizes instead of money. You are probably wondering where the prizes come from. Various people and businesses donate food, for example. I consume a lot of sandwiches. I like to have potato chips with my sandwiches. So, this past week, I won three large bags of potato chips. Such prizes can be useful!
We are allowed three bingos. Such bingo is a good way to get out, mingle and just feel happy. Find a place where bingo is easy for people to all meet.
Spread the word about needing prize donations. The only thing needing to be bought is the bingo game that can be found at a local game store, such as the bingo cards, tokens, etc.
Trust me, you are going to love it!
94025 - 2023-06-12 01:09:25