Play Land Lippo Mall

Play Land Lippo Mall


Posted 2017-07-04 by Amanda Nfollow
Introducing Bali's latest soft play area: Play Land in Lippo Mall, Kuta.

I'm a sucker for trying new things, so after months of anticipation while construction went on behind plastic sheeting, I was excited to give this new indoor playground a try. Wait... I mean I was excited to take my daughter along to give it a try.

We arrived early, around 10am, and there was only one other child there.

It all looked quite shiny and new, aside from three carousels which had obviously been used elsewhere. This sets it apart from the soft play areas in Carrefour and Discovery Mall which have seen better days.

What's there?
Another thing that makes this place different is it caters to both toddlers and older kids.

For little visitors, there is a playhouse, slide, trampoline and play table with various toys.

But for those who are a bit older and more confident, there's a dual-level obstacle course and a climbing wall.

The lower level of the course isn't too hard but the upper level is much trickier, and I say this from experience. There are ropes on either side to hold onto but if your child can't reach these, they don't stand a chance. And walking along behind them trying to hold their hand is harder than it sounds when you're wobbling in all different directions!

Fortunately, there are harnesses available which are attached to a track running above the course. Helmets are also provided for this and the climbing wall.

All of this makes it much more than a standard soft play area and a great place to have up your sleeve as a rainy day activity in Bali.

Location and price
Play Land is located on the lower ground floor of Lippo Mall in Kuta, between the cinema and supermarket.

Entry is 60k per child Monday-Friday and 75k on weekends and holidays (parents or carers are free). Socks are compulsory, so bring your own or pay 5k for a pair there.

You can't pay directly with cash but have to put credit on a card. When I went they were offering a 30k bonus with a 100k top-up, so that meant my 100k would cover two visits.

Still, while it's only me and my 2-year-old daughter, I'd rather visit Minni Playground on the top floor of the mall where the entrance fee is just 30k. There they have a bouncy castle, trampoline, ball pool, and various ride-on toys which is more than enough to keep her entertained.

If you have children of different ages this would be a great place to bring them.

92284 - 2023-06-11 09:00:40


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