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Home > Sydney > Comments > Where are the Best Locations for Plane Spotting in Sydney?
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My word, Karen, I thought plane spotting was a purely male geek pastime and so I commend you for your interest. People should remember there are still a few nice places within the airport itself where you can sit with a coffee and watch the jets pulling in and taxiing around the aprons. This is great for a non-driver like me as I can take the airport train right to the terminals. Its just a shame that Sydney has lost so many of the great airlines that were once regular visitors, like KLM, Air France, Lufthansa, Continental, Northwest, All Nippon, Egyptair et al. Its a long list.
by john5 (score: 2|164) 4177 days ago
by Karen (score: 2), 4176 days ago
Hi John, I am no expert or anything like that but I really enjoy watching them. I worked for Ansett at Sydney Airport, before their closure, and really miss seeing them up close.