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Home > Sunshine Coast > Comments > Ten Places to Kayak on the Sunshine Coast
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Nice read Elaine. There is a hidden gem you could easily of put on the top of your list though within the Great Sandy National Park at Noosa is a spectacular location called Double Island Point. The unique location can only be accessed by 4X4 along the beach at low tide and this pristine Marine Park has plenty of wildlife to experience. We often see Bottlenose dolphins feeding in the area, Humpback whales passing on migration, turtles including the green sea, loggerhead and hawksbill as well as many local and migrating bird species. The tropical waters are almost always quiet due to its harder to access location but well worth the trip. Epic Ocean Adventures are a passionate small eco tour operator that take you up in 4X4 and run thrilling kayak tours here. you can check them out at
You should come check it out some time. I will definitely have to check out some of these other amazing places!
by ttenn (score: 0|5) 1827 days ago
by Elaine (score: 3), 1827 days ago
Hi ttenn, thanks for reading and for the suggestion. I must be honest and say I have never been to Double Island Point, so it's now definitely on my 'to do' list. Thanks for the heads up! Happy kayaking!