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Agree with everything written about these comic book stores, however, I wouldn't go anywhere near Minotaur as they're overpriced and there is no customer service there at all. Another store worth looking at would be Lobo's Comics And Collectables in Northcote, and Classic Comics on Bourke Street
by thomm (score: 0|3) 3366 days ago
by patch (score: 0), 3194 days ago
if your buying comics, friday to sunday is the time to go to Minotaur, the guy at the comics counter there, looks a bit like a biker is a superstar and super friendly with everyone... great guy to be served by... but its true most other people there are not of his standard.
by Charelle (score: 1), 3366 days ago
Hey, thanks for the suggestion! I haven't been to Lobos yet. I'll definitely have to check it out ^_^