Host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast This October

Host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast This October


Posted 2012-10-16 by Sarah Saysfollow

Mon 01 Oct 2012 - Wed 31 Oct 2012

They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day - and that couldn't be more true for this worthwhile campaign.

The breakfasts are usually held in October to tie in with National Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

For anyone that has been touched by Cancer, and i have a few times, it is an ongoing battle that we can only hope one day we will win. But, like most things, it costs money, so these clever people need to come up with interesting ideas and events to get support.

The people who dedicate their time and life to finding a cure and raising awareness, I completely admire and respect. I have done a charity 10K run for Cancer Research and it was a truly fulfilling and incredible (although rather painful the following day) experience which just motivates me to give when i can and has since become a goal of mine to challenge myself each year with a new fundraiser, I am thinking skydiving next, eek.

I will always try to help where I can, and although it may not be much that i can give, I can always spare something. It is true that every little bit helps.

The Pink Ribbon Breakfast is an annual nation-wide fundraising initiative of the National Breast Cancer Foundation. Anyone can register to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation by hosting an event, which can be breakfast, morning tea or some other type of get-together. Whatever you wish.

The campaign has been running for over 10 years with loyal hosts as well as a stream of new hosts each year. Some wonderful individuals have been hosting breakfasts for this cause for eight plus years. Last year in 2011, over 3,000 individuals registered to host a Pink Ribbon Breakfast event, which saw an incredible 200,000 people enjoying a breakfast for this great cause.

To donate click here

To find out more click here

The webiste gives some great ideas and tips for hosting a party and also some yummy recipes too.

The Gold Coast is an excellent place to host an outdoor breakfast get together - there are loads of green spaces and beautiful places to sit and have coffee and brekkie all whilst raising money for a great campaign.

!date 01/10/2012 -- 31/10/2012
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