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Pasta Carbonara with Avocado Recipe

Home > Adelaide > Recipes | Food and Wine
Published July 13th 2011

So, I decided to make this after I bought a bunch of ripe avocados for 20c each at my local fruit and vegetable market (which needed to used asap), and I also needed to salvage a whole chicken my partner had boiled in a poor attempt at soup, plus I had a few handfuls of diced bacon (which was meant to be used on a pizza). So I decided to add a little mushroom, cream and pasta and make a carbonara. The beauty of this recipe is that you can add or remove any ingredients, so avocado/bacon/mushroom/chicken can be removed or tweaked.


1 1/2 Avocados, diced
Couple of handfuls of diced bacon
6 button mushrooms, chopped
300g of chicken thighs, cut into slices and trimmed of fat (or any kind of chicken)
5 Spring onions, diced
300g any pasta
300ml Cream
2 cloves garlic
2 eggs
Olive Oil
Handful of chopped parsley
Shaved parmesan, salt and pepper to taste


1. Fry the spring onions, garlic and brown the chicken in a non-stick frypan.

2. Add the mushrooms and bacon. You may like to add some butter to help soften the mushrooms or drizzle in a little olive oil. Turn down low.

3. Meanwhile boil the pasta until soft and drain.

4. Whisk the eggs, cream and some grated parmesan, salt and pepper.

5. Add the pasta into the chicken mushroom mixture, then the diced avocado.

6. Mix thoroughly and add the chopped parsley and any extra parmesan, salt or pepper.
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Why? Its delicious, seasonal and very filling
When: Anytime
Where: At home
Cost: Cheap - great recipe for leftovers
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