Paper Lithography Course

Paper Lithography Course


Posted 2023-08-01 by Sarah Corkfollow

Sat 12 Aug 2023

You may not know what lithography is. It's a very different and interesting way to make art, and if you have ever wanted to make new and interesting prints, then this will be the class for you. Learning how to create paper lithographs is a fairly intricate but also simple process but the creation at the end is impressive. You will love the results after the class, and you will be able to show your friends what you can do when you take the art home with you. This Paper Lithography Course is the sort of class you will walk away from, with a new skill and a new passion.

Paper lithography is a way of creating new art. It is all about making prints- you create the lithograph and then you can make as many of the prints as you want, over and over again. Each and every print will be perfect and just like the lithograph that you have made! It's a non-toxic and simple process. It's almost like making a photocopy of a picture.

In this course, you are going to make the lithographs from your own photographs and be able to turn them into prints for all around your home. Turn those photos into plates called a Matrix, which you then ink the Matrixes and print them using an etching process.

If you love photography and art, then this is the perfect blend of both. You will enjoy taking part in this class, and you may catch the bug and start making Lithographs all of the time. Tickets are a bit expensive, it is $130 per person.
If you do want to take part, head to the Midland Junction Centre on Saturday, the 12th of August. The class will start at 10am, and will be completed by 1pm. By the end of the class, you will have some prints to hang up in your home. You will be able to show your work to all of your friends, or even make them some prints too!


!date 12/08/2023 -- 12/08/2023
222074 - 2023-07-03 18:10:27


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