Oysterfest Voyage 2015: Adelaide to Ceduna aboard STV One & All
Sun 27 Sep 2015 - Fri 02 Oct 2015
Coinciding with the town of Ceduna's, celebration of its 25th year of the
Oysterfest is an adventure sail on South Australia's only tall ship
STV One & All. This year the One & All will be sailing from Adelaide to the town of Ceduna, the "Oyster Capital of Australia" to be part of this unique event on the west coast.
The Oysterfest is held on the picturesque Murat Bay foreshore over three days on the South Australian Labour Day long weekend and attracts visitors from SA & WA to the festival. Offering a broad range of cultural music, entertainment, fine seafood and wine,
The Oysterfest is one of Eyre Peninsula's premier events. Highlights of the festival include the spectacular fireworks display over the bay, oyster shucking competition and more quirky events such as the stein holding and wheat bag sewing competitions.
STV One & All has been invited to this great event as the Feature Ship so why not join us? We will arrive at Ceduna by sail in the most traditional way of like seafarers of yesteryear. We will set sail across the Gulf, navigating the local coastline during the voyage, passing features such as Althorpe Island, Wedge Island, the foot of Eyre Peninsular and the many lighthouses that dot our coast. As we sail the "locals", being the seals, dolphins and sea birds are never far away to watch when they come out to play. The wildlife takes every opportunity to give us a show of their nimble moves above or below the waterline.
If you are ready to start spring with an adventure that offers plenty of fresh air, great food, good company on board ship and the opportunity to tick another goal off on your bucket list, then why not join us to set sail and explore South Australia's coastline and Ceduna from the deck of STV One & All.
For further information about the One and All see the
FaceBook One & All or
One & All website.
0432 495 603
[email protected]
!date 27/09/2015 -- 02/10/2015
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