Operation Art Exhibition 2012
Sat 08 Sep 2012 - Sun 21 Oct 2012
Operation Art is an annual visual arts exhibition held at various galleries across NSW. It showcases NSW school children's artworks that have been created specifically for the Children's Hospital, Westmead.
The artworks have been created by school children aged from kindergarten to year 10 for the enjoyment of sick children and their families. Operation Art is an initiative of the Children's Hospital at Westmead, in association with the NSW Department of Education and in collaboration with art galleries across the state.
50 selected works from the exhibition will form part of the permanent art collection at the Children's Hospital, Westmead. Other works will also be selected to be showcased at various other locations such as The NSW Commission for Children and Young People in Sydney and at regional Department of Education Communities Offices.
The exhibition will be held at the
Art Gallery of NSW'S Café foyer from 4 October 2012 to 21 October 2012. Admission is free.
A further exhibition of works will also be showcased at
Armory Gallery Newington – Sydney Olympic Park from 8 September 2012 to 14 October 2012. Admission is free.
!date 08/09/2012 -- 21/10/2012
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